At the beginning of 2021, the Business and Economy programme of Initiatives of Change International (ICBE) launched a series of monthly online forums on 'The Meaning of Sustainability - for a world under threat'. They were hosted by ICBE's chairman, Antoine Jaulmes, a former senior executive in the car industry from Paris. The context was a world devastated by the Coronavirus pandemic, impacting on jobs and the global economy, and the threat of global warming which is accelerating climate change. Values in business and the economy towards a sustainable world remained imperative. A 60-page PDF file, designed by graphic artist Hayden Russell and available for download below, gives an account of the business leaders who addressed the online forums and what they said. They included Sunil Mathur, CEO and Managing Director of Siemens corporation for India and South Asia (right). Other speakers were from countries ranging from India and Australia to Colombia, France, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, the UK and the USA . Reports by Michael Smith